Remove and Replace

This is the most common repair performed for distressed asphalt areas. This repair involves removing the damaged section of asphalt and replacing it with new asphalt that is equal to or greater in depth than the existing asphalt was.




When a section of asphalt has been heavily used or water has eroded the asphalt away a skin patch will aesthetically fix this pavement.

Skin Patch or Overlay Patch:
Asphalt patching is a cheaper alternative in areas where the asphalt has cracked, but the base is still stable, or in areas where potholes have occurred. A layer of asphalt is installed upon the existing surface; the depth will vary depending on the severity of the existing damage. Patching is more affordable; however it will not last nearly as long as removal and replacement. 


Whether it’s a single crack in a driveway, or a parking lot that looks like a parched desert floor, we recommend filling those cracks the sooner the better. The biggest enemy to a crack is water. Water can seep below the surface then freeze and expand causing more cracking. We offer two solutions for filling cracks:

Cold Crack Fill:
The cold crack fill is the more typical, most cost effective way of filling a crack.  The results blend better with the existing pavement so it is not as noticeable that a crack has been filled. We will usually put a top layer of seal coating to maintain the fill.

Hot Crack Fill:
The hot crack fill is for industrial and heavily trafficked areas. The fill is extremely strong and will get the job done, although the results are not as aesthetic when completed.


Asphalt Overlay

Asphalt overlay is applying a new layer of asphalt over a deteriorating asphalt surface. Rather than tearing up an old asphalt surface entirely, an asphalt overlay will use the existing asphalt as a base layer for the new asphalt pavement. 




Petromat is a paving fabric that extends the life of your asphalt by protecting against moisture and cracking. It is a stress absorbing layer that is installed over existing asphalt prior to an overlay to minimize existing cracks from coming through the new surface.